feed my spirit.
a huge part of my cultural programming revolves around gifting baked goods.
need to say sorry? bake a cake!
want to get to know someone? doorbell ditch some brownies, duh.
worried about a friend? their favorite cookies are the answer.
this approach is flawed for a couple of reasons...
1. lack of time or ingredients holds me back from expressing love.
2. our bodies need less feeding and our spirits need more.

basically, more often than not, i use this process as one, giant cop-out.
worried about rejection? everyone likes sweets!
can't get the words out? pretend a time crunch and pop these treats by.
don't get me wrong, i love getting and giving sweets. countless times we've had friends bring yummy treats by and we've always felt so loved. it's just that for me, on the giving end, too often they become a crutch.

i don't think that i'm ready to drop my culture completely. what would it be like to just swing by someone's house and say "i miss you" or "i'm losing sleep thinking about you" without hiding behind a plate of goodies?
so since i'm not that brave yet, uplifting message cookies have been my latest favorite. one step closer to feeding spirits. plus the ingredients are easy to come by!
need to say sorry? bake a cake!
want to get to know someone? doorbell ditch some brownies, duh.
worried about a friend? their favorite cookies are the answer.
this approach is flawed for a couple of reasons...
1. lack of time or ingredients holds me back from expressing love.
2. our bodies need less feeding and our spirits need more.
basically, more often than not, i use this process as one, giant cop-out.
worried about rejection? everyone likes sweets!
can't get the words out? pretend a time crunch and pop these treats by.
don't get me wrong, i love getting and giving sweets. countless times we've had friends bring yummy treats by and we've always felt so loved. it's just that for me, on the giving end, too often they become a crutch.
i don't think that i'm ready to drop my culture completely. what would it be like to just swing by someone's house and say "i miss you" or "i'm losing sleep thinking about you" without hiding behind a plate of goodies?
so since i'm not that brave yet, uplifting message cookies have been my latest favorite. one step closer to feeding spirits. plus the ingredients are easy to come by!