stand by me.
Has it really been ten years? Ten years since the take-away that led us right into the mess we were hoping to avoid? How didn't I see that the observation came with a judgement? For SOOO long, I carried these words like scripture... " they realize that this behavior isn't doing anything for them and they change". .. But you can't know what you can't know until you see for yourself. Only a few weeks ago I said to Matt, "I think that what really happens is that they grow up and get out of the homes where they were scared all of the time and they start to feel safe so they can finally heal and change." I guess that thought needs a little background. The shortest way to say what I'm trying to say is "felt-safety." Because some children don't feel safe even when the adults know they are safe. These bodies swim and sizzle with excitatory neurotransmitters, simmering in a bath of distress, as if they're in the front lines of a war. A...