My first blog give-away.

The word on the... internet is that people like giveaways. So I thought I would give what I do best away to one lucky blogger.
A free photo-shoot with yours truly. This is redeemable for whatever you please... family photos, friends, kids, my personal favorite; glamor. Plus you pick the style.

Leave a comment by Monday, March 9th if you 1) Are interested and 2) Live in the Rexburg, Idaho area

The moment you leave a comment, you are entered!

The winner will be announced on Tuesday morning, bright and early!

Sorry those of you who live a little out of the way. Stay tuned though! Next time I'll make my giveaway available to all! Happy Blogging!


Stephanie and Todd said…
1. interested 2. live in rexburg :) So what do we need to do to enter this giveaway?
Jessica said…
I'm feeling extra lucky.
Linzi said…
I'm always up for one of your photo shoots :)
The Henderson Family said…
OOh....pick me, pick me!
Matthew James said…
Me, me...pick me...pick me...
Anonymous said…
You can't have too much free stuff!
Laura said…
I want it so badly but feel like I should give other people a chance to hoard your skills. I was hoping no-one else would actually enter though...
Zak and Allysia said…
I"m interested in a photo shoot for Belen!
Rowbury Family said…
Very interested!!!!
Rowbury Family said…
Very Interested!!! This is Ashley :)
Schows said…
You know I'm always interested in one of your photo shoots, Lolas birthday party is coming up!!
Samantha and Dustin said…
That's funny cuz I was just thinking of asking you to take some prego pics of me for fun! I need as many people to rub my tummy for good luck so I can win! YAY for Megan!
Kendra and Devin said…
YES!!! This is what I've always wanted..... I'm feeling lucky.
Kat & Paul said…
how does the giveaway thing work?
Emily said…
sure, Sara just got a whole bunch of plastic necklaces. :)
Nikki said…
OOH OOH Pick us! We haven't had a family picture taken in over 2 years!!! It is time to update our walls...and see a long lost friend ;)
Lacey said…
ooh ooh ooh!!! Pick us, pick us!
Sireena said…
I love this give away! Pick me!!
Sireena said…
Pick us! you know you want to! :)