Our new home

Each morning I awake, sit on my very own couch (which was recently freed from underneath a million boxes in a freezing storage unit) and munch a tray of ice (which, yes, I know, is bad for my teeth).
While I savor the cold crunchiness I stare at the cutest door that hangs crooked in its frame. I walk under a lovely pointed-archway to refill and reposition my ice-tray.
I dance my way around my new kitchen as I prepare breakfast for my sleeping critters.
The details, modern and vintage, make me smile.
This is home.

And it's finally perfect now that we have the internet.

Back in blogging business!


Laura said…
I love IT! Oh the adventures that are going to take place in that little retro house! I can hardly wait!
Greg and Michelle said…
Beautiful!!! How great for you guys to have your own place again! I love it!
Scott and Lori Smith said…
I've been wondering where you were! No blogs for the past 2 weeks! Your home isn't quite perfect yet...Matt isn't there!
Pilgrim Family said…
Megan Your house is ADORABLE I love it! How have you guys been? Getting all settled, and waiting for the newest little one. So I was thinking that this is the first time that I haven't been pregnant right after you! Funny times! Good luck with your boys and keep the posts coming I love to peek in to your lives to see how you guys are doing!
the mama monster said…
oh my goodness it's lovely! i love the kitchen in particular. congrats, have fun in your new home.
Megan Marie said…
Lori, you are so right! When my hubby is here, it will be even better!!!
emily said…
hooray! it looks great. congrats!
Jessica Jackson said…
That is so cute!!! Are you guys renting or buying?
The life of Jayne said…
Cute, Cute House! Have a fun Holiday Season!!
Melissa said…
Welcome Home! Must be so nice to be in your own home!
Holly Mayer said…
So cute! how nice to get moved in just before Christmas.
Tanya said…
i am dying for a house just like that :o)
Tanya said…
i am dying for a house just like that. love it!
Lauren said…
So cute! And I can only imagine the workings going on inside that creative little head of yours :) Congratulations and can't wait for Matt to be able to be there with you and for that new little boy to make his appearance!