Living, by Lacey
Lacey has a private blog so I've posted her live list here to share with all of you! Hooray for life!

(This is a picture I took of Lacey's darling family.)
"To Live... That's MY adventure
My Live List is for this whole year.
This Year I choose to Live by:
have a slumber party with my daughter
play in the sprinklers
celebrate a 3rd birthday for my big girl
celebrate a 2nd birthday for my little man
help Husband turn 30
turn 25 being as happy as I can be with who I've become
Spend time at least once a week with girlfriends
make a date night with my husband
go see Harry Potter with Husband opening night
go to the zoo
take a drive into the sunset and let my kids watch the colors change
spend a whole day outside (lunch and everything)
put on my swim suit and go to the water park
ACTUALLY PLAY at the water park
do sparklers for fun, not just 4th of July
take my kids to City of Rocks
go meet my father-in-law and get pictures for my kids
surprise my husband with a special gift
make S'mores over a campfire
go fishing more than once
set aside toys to give to Toys for Tots
donate our old coats to a charity
go to Arctic Circle for 69 cent cones and then go to the park and watch them melt all over my kids
play on the trampoline
lay outside and look at the stars
watch the sunrise
go boating with family
play on a swing set
plant a flower and watch it grow
Learn more about my Savior
make it a point to have FHE even though my kids are so young
paint our toe nails and buy new sandals to show them off
begin paper work for moving next year
De-Clutter my life"

(This is a picture I took of Lacey's darling family.)
"To Live... That's MY adventure
My Live List is for this whole year.
This Year I choose to Live by:
have a slumber party with my daughter
play in the sprinklers
celebrate a 3rd birthday for my big girl
celebrate a 2nd birthday for my little man
help Husband turn 30
turn 25 being as happy as I can be with who I've become
Spend time at least once a week with girlfriends
make a date night with my husband
go see Harry Potter with Husband opening night
go to the zoo
take a drive into the sunset and let my kids watch the colors change
spend a whole day outside (lunch and everything)
put on my swim suit and go to the water park
ACTUALLY PLAY at the water park
do sparklers for fun, not just 4th of July
take my kids to City of Rocks
go meet my father-in-law and get pictures for my kids
surprise my husband with a special gift
make S'mores over a campfire
go fishing more than once
set aside toys to give to Toys for Tots
donate our old coats to a charity
go to Arctic Circle for 69 cent cones and then go to the park and watch them melt all over my kids
play on the trampoline
lay outside and look at the stars
watch the sunrise
go boating with family
play on a swing set
plant a flower and watch it grow
Learn more about my Savior
make it a point to have FHE even though my kids are so young
paint our toe nails and buy new sandals to show them off
begin paper work for moving next year
De-Clutter my life"