Call me Sophie
I've gotten so many questions regarding my twisty-hair-styles, so I thought I'd tell and show you a little about how they're done. I made this little video for two purposes:
1. To show you how I do my hair.
2. To introduce you to the most lovely song you've ever heard! "Sophie Roux" by Lady Danville
You love Lady Danville now, don't you.
OK so, try twisting your hair and using bobby pins to hold it in place. Add headbands and clips for spice.
It would be totally hard to explain exactly what I'm doing. You'll just have to try it.
Tip: Don't pick a hairstyle and try to make it exact. Instead, see what you can create. I promise it will be a lot less frustrating. I can never make the same exact style twice.
I would LOVE to see your hairdo masterpieces, so if you're playing around and you make one you like, take a picture and send it to me! ( I may just post a few!