Call me Sophie

I've gotten so many questions regarding my twisty-hair-styles, so I thought I'd tell and show you a little about how they're done. I made this little video for two purposes:

1. To show you how I do my hair.
2. To introduce you to the most lovely song you've ever heard! "Sophie Roux" by Lady Danville

You love Lady Danville now, don't you.

OK so, try twisting your hair and using bobby pins to hold it in place. Add headbands and clips for spice.

It would be totally hard to explain exactly what I'm doing. You'll just have to try it.

Tip: Don't pick a hairstyle and try to make it exact. Instead, see what you can create. I promise it will be a lot less frustrating. I can never make the same exact style twice.

I would LOVE to see your hairdo masterpieces, so if you're playing around and you make one you like, take a picture and send it to me! ( I may just post a few!


Laura said…
lovely! I could never hold all of my hair with so few bobby pins. I do try, though.
Wow...Today, I will try something new. I WILL!! I'm gonna do it. I realize that my hair is much like yours, except for a few layers, but hopefully it should work much the same. I'll give it a shot and if I create something I like, I'll send you a pic. GREAT VIDEO and SONG. Loved it. Oh and thank you. : )
I'm going to try to do something with my hair today for our RS activity! I can't wait! I wish you were here so we could walk there together...those were the days. Miss you. :( Hope to see you soon. :)
Kathy said…
Can I adopt you!?! I know you love your boys, but I hope you are blessed with daughters one day, you will have a blast with them - and they with you! Thanks for your fresh take on motherhood and life. I hope my daughters are like you when they "grow up" into mothers. You make me smile, thank you!
I tried a twisty-do and just blogged about it (and you)!! :)
JoAnna said…
Awesome! Just had a short cut a couple of weeks ago but now considering letting it grow again... so many options! I'm impressed at what you do by twisting. Never tried it but I'm intrigued! :)
amateur idler said…
Lady Danville! I am officially a fan.
Amy Snell said…
Okay...could you be any more adorable :) Seriously...thanks for sharing and thanks for the awesome song too :) I heart your makes me smile :)
Sarah Larsen said…
You are so talented! Love these ideas!
Goodness I must be slow...that was a bit fast for my uncreative hairdo brain. I am so going to try my hair at them. My hair is so thick that I hope they work. Thanks for sharing!
Paige said…
Thank you thank you! I will definitely be trying these out as I have no creativity when it comes to hair styles. Your hair always looks so cute!
Melissa said…
What a great song!! Love this video!
Krista said…
You're so right! I am in love with that song! How did you get it, though? It's not on iTunes.
Aimee said…
Okay, my girls love this. We will have to figure out how to slow it down or keep watching it.
Megan Marie said…
Krista, you can find the song here. You can download their songs through this site, you just have to buy song credits in a bundle and the minimum you can spend is about twelve dollars. The songs are the same price as itunes though, and the site features many up-and-coming artists. Lady Danville has a few other songs worth purchasing, too. :)
amateur idler said…
Okay, I've officially listened to "Sophie Roux" 28 times since downloading it three days ago. Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
C.Rae.F. said…
Ohmygoodness thank you! Now I know what to do with my mass of stick-straight hair!
C.Rae.F. said…
I wore my hair up today! Thank you so much!
Maryn said…
I can't wait till I have long hair so I can do this. Thank you!