our magic clicker.

Your inquiries into how I can get pictures with myself in them have inspired this little photo post.
You will now probably be able to spot a remote control in nearly every blog photo I'm in...
Though I've gotten quite crafty at masking our magic clicker.
And Duke is tricky.
So now you know our tiny, little secret.
Quite tiny.


Jessica Jackson said…
You know. you can set the clicker to have a 2 second delay so you can then hide that clicker hand?!
Trapper and Suzy said…
You make it look so easy to capture such sweet moments!! I wish I had a clicker too! But instead of having to position the camera just perfectly, I wish Heaven had cameras all around so that when I was having a sweet moment or a crazy moment and I wanted to take a picture to always remember, I just click! And then Heaven would have those moments saved. Wouldn't that be nice?
Megan Marie said…
Jess, I sometimes use the delay but with my squirmy kids the good moment lasts so short that I can't afford it. I'm sure you know exactly what I mean!

Suzy, you are so right. This morning I was taking a shower holding Iggy up in the water and little flicks of water were getting caught in his beautiful lashes. And his nose and cheeks were covered with droplets. I wished that I could work my camera into that equation but there was too much nakedness involved. Not to mention I'd probably get my camera all wet! I hope my brain has been storing those images for easy recall in Heaven.
Stephanie and Todd said…
How cool!! I definitely had been wondering!! Now I wanna go back through all your blogs and play "find the clicker" :)
Vashti said…
I figured you just set a timer, but then I thought it was the most magical timing ever to get that many good shots from timing the camera. Way cool! Plus I NEVER noticed the clicker until you mentioned it!
*Lesli* said…
ha. i love that I inquired yesterday and you posted today :)
jdavissquared said…
Clicker or not, it's pretty impressive how great your photos are! You are really good at setting up that camera!