sunny side up.

Today I could write a post composed entirely of the same four words, over and over again. Love. Adore. Treasure. Emily.

Heavens, how I love this girl. My sister Emily has been coming over to play each weekday now that she is out of school for the summer. We've been having all sorts of adventures.

Like our "fry an egg on the sidewalk" adventure.

Or our subsequent "clean the egg off the black-top" and "get a new egg" adventures.

I especially liked our "fry an egg on the railroad" adventure.

But my absolute favorite had to be the "watch the egg slide right off the track into the gravel" adventure.

If I had done a little bit of research before hand, we might have used those eggs to make a cake or something.

I am actually really glad we tried this experiment for ourselves, although our hypothesis remains unconfirmed.

I sure love, adore, treasure my little sister.


Margaret said…
Awww I wanted to see this! So happy we were able to spend time with you guys this week... Emily is wonderful. I know Maddy loved her:)
Margaret said…
Emily is one of a kind. We loved spending time with her!