the real reason.
it's good that i had so many pictures to post this morning.
it was cooling-down time.
because the real reason i came to this forum is something more than happy photos.

yesterday i came across a stack of paperwork that i've needed to fill out for ossi. questions like, "what are your most pressing concerns?" and "does your child exhibit the following behaviors? check yes or no." i feel as if i've filled out these same papers and surrendered them to doctors at least five times already.
if they were to check for inconsistency in my descriptions of the situation i'm sure they'd find every reason to suppose i am nuts. because it is just never the same with him.
so i sat with the papers sprawled around me and i kept thinking, "well, he was doing this, but that was a while ago, so do i put it down?" and "i think he's better now, so should i just call and cancel this appointment?" i talk myself in and out of getting help. getting help is hard. and there's always the chance that he's just fine and i'm just not strong enough to deal with his "strong-willed" personality.

a couple of hours after putting the papers down i walked into the kitchen and he was pacing across the counters, brow furrowed, hands like rocks. his words don't always tell the story. it's his body. he strains his voice to speak louder, angrier, to bully me. i have to stand in front of him and act calm and confident that he'll make the right choice, but inside i'm afraid he's about to hurt me. he won't hear me. suddenly he's invincible and all powerful. he demands to be the center of my universe. i try all of the tactics i've read about or learned in therapy, and thankfully, although nothing i do seems to help him, i keep calm until a half hour later when he unclenches his fists.
why did that happen? he's been doing so well. i haven't been feeding him junk. i've been taking time to make sure all of his needs are met. what more can i do? what's different about this moment?
he's back to normal. so we get in the car, hours later, to go on a little outing. he starts laughing manically. at first it's infectiously funny, but then the flags start to go up and i say to myself, "i think this is one of those things. i think he's about to lose it." i calmly make simple requests. he's not listening. he unbuckles, hops out of the car, runs inside and up the stairs. "we need to go now," i call up to him. i see his face and he's doing that laugh again. that's not a real laugh. that's something else.
we finally get him back into the car and we start to drive. suddenly he's out of his belt, balancing on the top of my seat back, laughing that horrible laugh. i grab him. i can feel myself starting to falter. i open the car door and step out telling matt that we're going home and we'll see everyone later. i spend a lot of time alone with just him while the others go live.
now we're home and he does everything. everything. he tries to lock me out. he tips over every chair. he moves the table and claims to have trapped me, threatens to break all of my stuff. i calmly respond, "nice try." this technique worked to deflect his angry words for a day but now he screams at me, "STOP SAYING THAT!" he runs away, down the street. i go get him. somehow i'm still calm. he paces on the table while i try to cook him dinner. "i hate you," he says. "you are the worst mom, ever," he says. "when i buy my army they will kill only you." i ignore it unless he demands a response and then i say, "nice try" in my calmest tone. "AHHHHHHHRRRG!" he picks up a ceramic bird and quizes me about it. he's gaging my attachment to that possession. when he smashes it he wants it to hurt me, but not too much. as hard as i try to keep a poker face somehow he can tell. he just knows these things. he throws the bird to the ground and keeps his eyes on me as it shatters.
i think it causes me a great deal more stress than i realize trying to keep my emotions from bubbling over. i think if things keep going like this i might become completely callused. heartless. that's how i start to feel, like i'm cold inside. at least i'm not screaming or spanking. i just keep cooking.
then suddenly it's over. and at my request he puts the table back. props up the chairs. grabs the broom and starts to sweep bird chunks. he even realizes he's forgotten to put the broom away when he's done and goes out of his way to gingerly set it in its corner. "sorry i broke that." jovially. "i'll get you a new bird, mom. i think you would like a yellow one this time, because yellow is your favorite. i will keep my eyes open for one just like that other one only better because it's yellow." then the car pulls back up and everyone is home again.
did that really just happen? nothing has changed. except my bird is gone. unseen damage, though. a sliver of my love for my family is gone, too. the hardening of my heart isn't selective. i am plunged into depression. i retreat. how can i escape? i'll sit at the computer. or i might doodle a little (though that takes passion and i have none left). my body is awake, but my spirit has gone to sleep.
matt tells me to go ahead to bed. he wonders why i am acting so weird. and i just can't explain it.
in the middle of the night ossi wets the bed. i am not actively employing my patience powers. i can't remember plan A, B, or C for all of his crap. i tell him to go change his clothes. he won't without me. he threatens, "i guess i'll just go wake finn up." again, it's not the words. it's not about the scenario, it's about the weapons he deploys and about my crumbling defenses. matt had last nights shift and turns to me, "it's easier just to do what he wants." i get up. i look everywhere for some suitable attire but his tastes are too selective for the current availability. i toss some shorts his way and head toward bed. he yells, "you never do ANYTHING for me!"
that breaks me. so i climb into bed and tell matt i'm tapping out. he tells me i'm just not being patient enough and he gets up and does a marvelous job with him. then i lay in bed and imagine terrible things like what my life would be like without ossi. i imagine opening up my window and jumping out and not coming back. i imagine my options, as if i had any. i think, i should read the scriptures and immediately the verse, "if ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me" comes to mind and i never want to touch the scriptures again.
this is about to sound really "messed up" so you may want to check out if you want to go on thinking that i'm a nice (albeit frustrated) person.
i'm beginning to postulate that there are some disabilities that are difficult but very rewarding to deal with. like if you have a child with a physical handicap i'm sure there are so many heartbreaking moments, but you'd know that everything you were doing was for their benefit. people would look at you and say, "well, what a sweet mother, taking care of that precious child."
you know those videos that circulate like the one on facebook with a brother who pulled his disabled sibling through a triathlon? isn't it inspiring? my kids get verbally abused and attacked by their brother and forgive him every time. wouldn't that make a great video?
ossi's disability (if you'll indulge me while i call it that) is not cute. my parenting doesn't look sweet. usually it looks like i'm ignoring him and letting him get away with being rude. it's not inspiring and i'm so, so tired.
i have prayed about it many times and i always get a strong feeling that i was meant to be his mother, that Father entrusted him to my care for a reason that i can't totally understand right now.
but it still totally sucks.
so there are those papers that i filled out. and a meeting with a therapist tomorrow and an evaluation with several doctors in portland on thursday. and he might act totally normal and they might tell me that there's nothing wrong and that i'm not being patient enough.
but maybe not.
here's a lighter post from happier times.
it was cooling-down time.
because the real reason i came to this forum is something more than happy photos.

yesterday i came across a stack of paperwork that i've needed to fill out for ossi. questions like, "what are your most pressing concerns?" and "does your child exhibit the following behaviors? check yes or no." i feel as if i've filled out these same papers and surrendered them to doctors at least five times already.
if they were to check for inconsistency in my descriptions of the situation i'm sure they'd find every reason to suppose i am nuts. because it is just never the same with him.
so i sat with the papers sprawled around me and i kept thinking, "well, he was doing this, but that was a while ago, so do i put it down?" and "i think he's better now, so should i just call and cancel this appointment?" i talk myself in and out of getting help. getting help is hard. and there's always the chance that he's just fine and i'm just not strong enough to deal with his "strong-willed" personality.

a couple of hours after putting the papers down i walked into the kitchen and he was pacing across the counters, brow furrowed, hands like rocks. his words don't always tell the story. it's his body. he strains his voice to speak louder, angrier, to bully me. i have to stand in front of him and act calm and confident that he'll make the right choice, but inside i'm afraid he's about to hurt me. he won't hear me. suddenly he's invincible and all powerful. he demands to be the center of my universe. i try all of the tactics i've read about or learned in therapy, and thankfully, although nothing i do seems to help him, i keep calm until a half hour later when he unclenches his fists.
why did that happen? he's been doing so well. i haven't been feeding him junk. i've been taking time to make sure all of his needs are met. what more can i do? what's different about this moment?
he's back to normal. so we get in the car, hours later, to go on a little outing. he starts laughing manically. at first it's infectiously funny, but then the flags start to go up and i say to myself, "i think this is one of those things. i think he's about to lose it." i calmly make simple requests. he's not listening. he unbuckles, hops out of the car, runs inside and up the stairs. "we need to go now," i call up to him. i see his face and he's doing that laugh again. that's not a real laugh. that's something else.
we finally get him back into the car and we start to drive. suddenly he's out of his belt, balancing on the top of my seat back, laughing that horrible laugh. i grab him. i can feel myself starting to falter. i open the car door and step out telling matt that we're going home and we'll see everyone later. i spend a lot of time alone with just him while the others go live.
now we're home and he does everything. everything. he tries to lock me out. he tips over every chair. he moves the table and claims to have trapped me, threatens to break all of my stuff. i calmly respond, "nice try." this technique worked to deflect his angry words for a day but now he screams at me, "STOP SAYING THAT!" he runs away, down the street. i go get him. somehow i'm still calm. he paces on the table while i try to cook him dinner. "i hate you," he says. "you are the worst mom, ever," he says. "when i buy my army they will kill only you." i ignore it unless he demands a response and then i say, "nice try" in my calmest tone. "AHHHHHHHRRRG!" he picks up a ceramic bird and quizes me about it. he's gaging my attachment to that possession. when he smashes it he wants it to hurt me, but not too much. as hard as i try to keep a poker face somehow he can tell. he just knows these things. he throws the bird to the ground and keeps his eyes on me as it shatters.
i think it causes me a great deal more stress than i realize trying to keep my emotions from bubbling over. i think if things keep going like this i might become completely callused. heartless. that's how i start to feel, like i'm cold inside. at least i'm not screaming or spanking. i just keep cooking.
then suddenly it's over. and at my request he puts the table back. props up the chairs. grabs the broom and starts to sweep bird chunks. he even realizes he's forgotten to put the broom away when he's done and goes out of his way to gingerly set it in its corner. "sorry i broke that." jovially. "i'll get you a new bird, mom. i think you would like a yellow one this time, because yellow is your favorite. i will keep my eyes open for one just like that other one only better because it's yellow." then the car pulls back up and everyone is home again.
did that really just happen? nothing has changed. except my bird is gone. unseen damage, though. a sliver of my love for my family is gone, too. the hardening of my heart isn't selective. i am plunged into depression. i retreat. how can i escape? i'll sit at the computer. or i might doodle a little (though that takes passion and i have none left). my body is awake, but my spirit has gone to sleep.
matt tells me to go ahead to bed. he wonders why i am acting so weird. and i just can't explain it.
in the middle of the night ossi wets the bed. i am not actively employing my patience powers. i can't remember plan A, B, or C for all of his crap. i tell him to go change his clothes. he won't without me. he threatens, "i guess i'll just go wake finn up." again, it's not the words. it's not about the scenario, it's about the weapons he deploys and about my crumbling defenses. matt had last nights shift and turns to me, "it's easier just to do what he wants." i get up. i look everywhere for some suitable attire but his tastes are too selective for the current availability. i toss some shorts his way and head toward bed. he yells, "you never do ANYTHING for me!"
that breaks me. so i climb into bed and tell matt i'm tapping out. he tells me i'm just not being patient enough and he gets up and does a marvelous job with him. then i lay in bed and imagine terrible things like what my life would be like without ossi. i imagine opening up my window and jumping out and not coming back. i imagine my options, as if i had any. i think, i should read the scriptures and immediately the verse, "if ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me" comes to mind and i never want to touch the scriptures again.
this is about to sound really "messed up" so you may want to check out if you want to go on thinking that i'm a nice (albeit frustrated) person.
i'm beginning to postulate that there are some disabilities that are difficult but very rewarding to deal with. like if you have a child with a physical handicap i'm sure there are so many heartbreaking moments, but you'd know that everything you were doing was for their benefit. people would look at you and say, "well, what a sweet mother, taking care of that precious child."
you know those videos that circulate like the one on facebook with a brother who pulled his disabled sibling through a triathlon? isn't it inspiring? my kids get verbally abused and attacked by their brother and forgive him every time. wouldn't that make a great video?
ossi's disability (if you'll indulge me while i call it that) is not cute. my parenting doesn't look sweet. usually it looks like i'm ignoring him and letting him get away with being rude. it's not inspiring and i'm so, so tired.
i have prayed about it many times and i always get a strong feeling that i was meant to be his mother, that Father entrusted him to my care for a reason that i can't totally understand right now.
but it still totally sucks.
so there are those papers that i filled out. and a meeting with a therapist tomorrow and an evaluation with several doctors in portland on thursday. and he might act totally normal and they might tell me that there's nothing wrong and that i'm not being patient enough.
but maybe not.
here's a lighter post from happier times.
I'm sorry you are going through this. I think you are wonderful. I also think you are normal. I want to run away and never look back sometimes and I don't have to deal with that difficulty.
Matt is at work all day (yes?) so him being able to handle Ossi at night better than you is probably Ossi just liking the time he gets to see his Daddy (he sees you all the time).
I'll keep you in my prayers! I hope things get better for you guys!
I grew up with a sibling who reminds me so much of your Ossi, and what he's/you are going through. When you wrote of his siblings forgiving him over and over, it helped me remember how often we forgave my brother, and continue to do so. We are still all close and still love each other. Our family could have been fractured permanently, but something in the way my parents helped us handle it, forgive it, and not swim in it, has become a strength in our home. My brother is now experiencing some very similar things with his son.
I'm hopeful that you'll get the help and strength you need to get through this. Especially in the day to day aspect. That's the hardest part - before perspective dawns.
There is one method I would try, but I don't know how well it would work. When he is beginning to get frustrated, you could try to acknowledge his feelings right away. This used to work with a girl I babysat that had a terrible temper, and within a few weeks of trying this method, she completely forgot about screaming and kicking me. Often we want to minimize children's anger by telling them how they should act, or by not responding to their anger by acknowledging it. For example, maybe as Ossi gets frustrated, you could say "wow Ossi, that sounds like it would be really upsetting!" or "I think anyone would feel frustrated by that!" By acknowledging his feelings instead of downplaying them or responding without emotion, he feels listened to and that being himself is okay. this method is from the book "How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk". Here is what the authors say: "When I’m upset or hurting, the last thing I
want to hear is advice, philosophy, psychology,
or the other fellow’s point of view. That kind
of talk only makes me feel worse than before. But let someone really listen, let someone
acknowledge my inner pain and give me a
chance to talk more about what’s troubling
me and I begin to feel less upset, less
confused, more able to cope with my
feelings and my problem." Another option they say is to give your children their wish in fantasy and be silly with it. Maybe Ossi wants a certain kind of cereal but you don't have it. As he gets frustrated, you could say "This is such a bummer! I wish I could give you cocoa puffs right now. I wish we had so many cocoa puffs that we could swim in them, like a chocolate sea!"
this might be completely irrelevant, I don't know. I just found that this really works for me when dealing with children who can become terrors when they are angry.
It isn't a magic solution, but I helps him connect with his good choices and/or mistakes of his day. And think about how he could have done better, or celebrate the moments he really shined. I honestly think mine disconnects during his rampages.
Much love
-Shelley walls
I'll pray for you for sure.
You know, I can only imagine what a picture of unconditional love your children are seeing in your actions.
I have always admired you. You have a natural gift for compassion, and I can see why you are the right mom for Ossi. No matter the gift, it's hard to be "on" all the time. I'm impressed at your self control to try to stay calm through a tantrum.
I also appreciate how you tell the real deal. So many people can connect with your trials that you may never realize.
I read this yesterday and then in the car heard a commercial for the "Total Transformation." I always wondered if that would help our tantrums. They said it's free right now if you tell them if it's helped. Totally not an endorsement. I know nothing about it. But maybe the web site might even have tips to help strengthen you.
Matt being gone all day probably helps him not burn out on the behavior as much and he can have more patience when it's his turn. You're probably tapped out by night. I admire you for not yelling and spanking. But I hope it gets better-- so your love for your family can thrive and you can feel more peace in your home, with all of your children happy and feeling like their needs are met-- and with you feeling like your needs are met, too.
Hold on. You have help bigger than you, and bigger than all the behavior and challenges and darkness and depression. You may not feel Him all the time, but He's there and notices you.
I love you, I love seeing the woman and mother you have become. I love your children, they are each different and yet the same.
I love my mother who is a grown up Ossi. I have lived with her struggles somedays better than others, sometimes weeks at a time that were good. I have ached for her to love me the way I thought mothers were supposed to love their children, however that is. My dad knew how to handle her and was the buffer between her and the rest of the world. I know that somewhere deep down inside she knows that something is not right and it's her trial for this life. I know that I choose how I act or react to her. I know how I feel and how frustrated I get and how angry. Now she has a new trial to deal with or maybe it's a tender mercy to allow healing before she is gone.
You are not alone. You will be okay. The scriptures also say that Jesus wept.
Rachel is our mutual friend and I had recently read your blog about your depression which I really identified with.
You ARE meant to be his mother. Only you (and your husband) can handle and know the right way to parent this particular spirit. You are strong and amazing and a wonderful mother. The best that you can give is what he needs. You are doing the right thing by seeking professional help. you are not crazy.
Just know you are loved. thank you for your honesty.
I don't know where you live, but I know it can't be far. I know you don't know me, but I want you to know that as much as another person living another life can, I know your pain. I know how it is to think about all the other possibilities your life could have held if not for one certain detail-your child. I know how it is to fill out the forms again and again and again and wonder "is it just me???" I know how it is to have a husband who doesn't quite understand why this situation, this time, has tapped you out. I know how it is to cry myself to sleep at night, to think about doctors and diagnoses and wonder if it's the right thing, the wrong thing. To look back on what I've fed my children and analyze it and see if there's anything I can change.
As different as my struggles have been, in many ways they've been the same. Are the same. And so while you don't know me, probably wouldn't recognize me as we pass in the church halls, I want to reach out to you. Offer you what I can-an ear, if you need one. A shoulder. Something. Rach has my number, it's in the stake directory, I can give it to you if you want, whatever. But really, if you need someone, a stranger even. I don't know your struggles exactly, but I do know how blessed I've been by strangers who have offered to help when I've needed it.
Prayers that you can feel the arms of your Saviour around you and your little family.
I have left a comment on your blog one other time. I think you are an amazing woman, mother, and writer. Thank you for your honesty in your posts. You are a brave woman and I so much admire your courage and patience.
Thank you for your perspective. I have 4 young ones as well and I am dealing with some of my own trials and this post really slapped me in the face. It made me feel sheepish for complaining about the things I am dealing with and it made me grateful for other women and the strength we have been sent here with and the power for good we have. You are doing good! Hang in there.
Indeed, every feeling you expressed has been mine. My "difficult child" is now 20 and a wonderful person. I tell you this in the hopes that on those days that you want to run away, you will have a shred of hope that your cumulative efforts will produce a positive result, even though you're sure at the moment nothing is working. When she was 3 as I held her door shut while she tore apart her room and screamed every venemous, vile thing she knew, I was sure her future would be in prison for murder.
For the first 7 years of my daughter's life I used to ask Heavenly Father if He made a mistake sending this child to me. My background in behavioral psychology had me racking my brain constantly to figure out what I was doing wrong to make this child so angry and frustrated all the time. It wasn't until I read "The Explosive Child" that I got both a different perspective and some concrete techniques that actually helped and learned why the standard parenting techniques I was trying to perfect were an abysmal failure. Those SPT worked perfectly for my other children, so why didn't they work for her?
I am a talker, so when telling other people about my struggles and the outrageous behavior of my daughter I often got looks like they were sure I was crazy, because my daughter was such a beautiful, darling child and NEVER acted that way in the presence of other people. Usually not in front of my husband, either. I felt it was a special problem I created in her. Her siblings also received huge doses of her wrath and manipulation, for which I also felt very guilty.
Unlike you, I never received the assurance from the Spirit that I was supposed to be her mother. However, I had a sister-in-law who was also going through similar experiences with her daughter and although we lived two states away, we would occassionally spend a few hours on the phone commissurating, which at least made me feel like a wasn't crazy. Once while expressing the feeling that I was the wrong mother for my child my sister-in-law rather bluntly stated that of course I was the right parent for her because someone else would have abused or killed her when she was a baby. That rather shocking statement made me realize that this child's difficulties, no matter the outcome, were her life struggle and as her parent I would do my best to help her navigate them. No perfect parenting award, no recognition from anyone, just do what I could and that would be enough.
Having not read your previous blog posts, I don't know if you've already read "The Bipolar Child", but if not, you may find that helpful.
Also, I have been studying nutrition for several years and have found "12 Steps to Whole Foods" on to be the most comprehensive approach to putting all the best research on nutrition into daily practice. If it seems too overwhelming to you to even think about making big changes in your diet, just tuck that information away for someday.
Please know you are not alone. This is a lonely, thankless, exhausting job. I used to envy the women working in the dentist and doctor's offices I'd go to. Working in a quiet, organized, scheduled environment; how easy would that be?
Keep up the good work. You are doing a great job.