
i have to take pictures of the dogs so that i can remember that i actually like them.

otherwise i just resent them for the dog fur i'm sweepin, the poop i'm shovelin, an the bark brawls i'm breakin.
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i remember when i was a kid i'd lay on the carpet and my dog would lay by me. i have so many memories of feeling awkward and lame in middle school and coming home to my dog who thought i was super cool.
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my dog slept in my bed like a person, along my side, when my journal entries were ripe with loneliness and worries about my future. i remember being glad he was there with me.
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i like what the dogs are to my kids, even if i really, really, really dislike how they smell and how they bark at every person who walks by the house. did i mention how much they poop?
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i also like watching how much my dad likes them.
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i'm going to have to use couples-counseling techniques, like listing five things i like about them every night before i go to bed, so that i can make it through the tough moments when i ask myself why...WHY...WHY!!!
