christmas music.

From the tiny crowds of dancers huddled in corners around the studio, I hear bits of nutcracker music. The most common music I've heard is from the snow scene, with excited ballet IV dancers anxious for their first stage performance wearing their point-shoes.
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One enthusiastic dancer came skipping out of the dressing room to her mom saying, it's almost Christmas!
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We both laughed and teased her that October hasn't even arrived, but I was secretly letting the same sentiment build inside.
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Later that day the boys were asking me about the Beatles and if they had any more modern songs. I was only too anxious to play Paul McCartney's Wonderful Christmas Time for them.
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My poor dusty camera. It gets used heavily for family photo and senior picture shoots, but it's a little starved for the joys of day-to-day.
 photo jan2small 13 of 21_zpsiu2wlyah.jpg photo jan2small 14 of 21_zpskbo5z8dj.jpg photo jan2small 15 of 21_zpskshwijdz.jpg Hopefully I can catch up posting a few old shots and move along with the ghost of the present.
