Sunny Snapshot: To whom it may concern.

The newest addition to the family has requested that all members refrain from touching his eyeballs.
I've started up my Sunny Snapshots again, simply because I love to share my version of happy!

PS- This, for blogging purposes, is Fitz. We are pleased to introduce him as a character on The Polished Pickle!


Jessica said…
I love his little lips, shaped like a heart! What a handsome baby.
emily said…
ohh he is so cute! congrats!!!
Linzi said…
Though I haven't met Fitz yet, I think the name suits him perfectly. Congrats another beautiful baby boy!
teamBoo said…
where have i been?? Lost in the nesting world i suppose. I love your new baby. Congratulations!

Any baby is blessed to have you as a mother!!